Monday, January 5, 2009

Who We Are . . .

Center of Light is a spiritual community with an intentional focus to
Embrace Oneness
Express Love
Discern the will of Spirit for our highest good.

Through our Sunday morning shared experience (10-11:30 A.M.), we support independent, positive, life affirming conversation and discussion on spiritual principles and ideas and how we practice the presence of God in our lives. If the path of your journey leads you to this time on Sunday morning and this place, please know:

We do not proselytize, evangelize, or attempt to convert anyone. We do not teach you what to think. We are a community which supports acceptance, respect and oneness of and for all people. We are a community where all persons are recognized, accepted and affirmed as unique, precious and valued expressions of the whole of Spirit, regardless of ethnicity, gender, socio-economic class, disability, sexual orientation, creed, size, shape or any other apparent condition of the human experience, because we know the life of every person is the life of God.

In our place in the circle of oneness, we embrace as our foundation principles:

We do not view God as an old man up in the sky. We see and experience that which we call God as pure creative energy, everywhere present, all knowing and all there is . . . the one presence, one power in and throughout the Universe and our lives. God is pure consciousness.

All life, each being, is a creation and expression of God. We see ourselves as Spiritual Beings, created in the image and likeness of God. We have a physical body, and we are more than this wonderful vehicle for experiencing. We have a mind and personality, thoughts, an intellect, feelings, emotions and intuition, and we are more than these wonderful ideas for expressing. We are Spiritual Beings and our lives, in this "parentheses in eternity", is a spiritual experience.

God, as Universal Creative Energy, does not ever deny us or punish us. Through the Law of Cause and Effect we manifest our world and the experiences of our life according to the beliefs and perceptions we hold in mind ~ in consciousness. We do not view the consequences of our freedom of choice as punishment by God. Consequently, we endeavor to be conscious of living in the freshness of the moment, not creating our experiences out of our old, tired, worn out historical stories. We do not view the consequences of our freedom of choice as punishment by God.
Nor do we hold the belief of heaven and hell as a place, but rather a state of consciousness. We are actively engaged in creating our life and our world as the kingdom of heaven, along with contributing to the collective consciousness the understanding and experience of the unlimited possibilities available to us as love, peace, harmony, health, prosperity, purpose and well-being.
Metaphysical Classes
posted by Center of Light at Center of Light - 5 hours ago
Center of Light Metaphysical and New Thought Workshops, Seminars and Classes
Sunday Worship Celebration: 10:00 - 11:30 (for info: Culliver 749-5037)
Sunday Mystery School: 2:00 - 4:00 (for info: Cisi Martin)
Circle of Light, PAO, Astrology, Kabbalah (for info: Ron: 366-7504)
Drumming Circle, Spiritual Support Group (for info: Culliver: 749-5037

1 comment:

  1. Center of Light sounds like a great place! If I didn't live in Arkansas I'd visit on Sundays.
